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Legal disclaimer

MARKARIDE SL (hereinafter MKR), with CIF: B91682963:


1.- Copyright Notice ©️ 2022 MKR. All rights reserved. The commercial use of images, text, documents or any other material belonging to the website / Portal "" is strictly prohibited unless authorized in writing by our MKR Company.


2.- Registered trademarks: "MKR" "MKR trendmakers", the names, logos and titles used on our website "" and that identify MKR products and services are registered trademarks of our company MKR. Other logos, names, titles or trademarks that appear on "" may be the property of clients and/or entities affiliated or not affiliated with our Portal.


3.- Authorization of Use: The information, images, texts, documents and any other content found on "" may be consulted solely for informational purposes by any visitor to our website. MKR reserves the right to restrict access to its network or its content. MKR may modify the terms and conditions of use of the "" website at any time and without prior notice. Navigators / visitors to the "" website are responsible for reviewing the contents of this Legal Notice to determine the terms and conditions of use of our Portal.


4.- Third Party Intellectual Property: Any individual (whether or not a visitor to our website) who considers that their intellectual property rights have been infringed by the unauthorized use of their protected works and that appear published on "" can contact our company MKR and request that the content be removed. If properly accredited, his request will be dealt with immediately.


5.- Links / Hyperlinks: The links or hyperlinks that appear on the "" website allow the user to access third-party networks and/or websites to provide more information to our visitors. Making these links available to the "" visitor does not in any way imply an endorsement or recommendation of these sites or the material found there. MKR does not control, and cannot be responsible for, the content that appears on these sites. Under no circumstances will MKR be responsible for any damage suffered by the user due to the access or use of such sites or the contents thereof. MKR tries to ensure that these third-party websites (links, links or hyperlinks) meet the appropriate standards, but we cannot guarantee compliance with data protection regulations on them.


6.- Purchase condition: Consult the details in our frequently asked questions, shipping policy and return policy.


Conflict/claim resolution platform
The European Commission offers at your disposal, an online dispute resolution platform for the sale of goods or services through electronic commerce. In accordance with the provisions of article 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013, we provide you with the link to said platform:, as well as our telephone number: +34 646846165 and email email:, through which you can process claims for online contracts.